
Losing weight during the menopause Top 7

Losing weight during the menopause Top 7

Did you know that an average woman will gain 1-2 pounds per year during her menopausal years? As a matter of fact, the average amount of weight gained by women during her menopausal years is 10-15 pounds! Has this happened to you? Maybe you have not gained 10-15 pounds, but you have begun to gain weight. While losing weight during and after menopause can be a challenge due to hormonal issues, it can be done. Here are 7 tips that will help you to fight the weight loss battle during and after menopause.

· Balance Your Hormones- Unbalanced hormones is the main culprit when it comes to menopausal weight gain. It is essential that you get your hormones under control if you want to see any kind of weight loss.
· Add Calcium and Vitamin D to Your Diet- While it is well known that they help to strengthen bone density; did you know that vitamin D and calcium actually can help you to lose weight as well?
· Go For A Daily Walk- Walking helps you to increase your metabolism. Increasing your metabolism is essential when it comes to losing weight. It also helps women who are going through menopause to decrease their risk of osteoporosis because it is considered to be a weight bearing exercise.
· Add Phytoestrogen to Your Diet- Menopause is caused by decreased estrogen production in the body. Phytoestrogen will help to restore normal hormone function to the body which will result in a return of normal estrogen production.
· Change Your Eating Habits- This may sound like common sense but many women fail to lose weight simply because they ignore this simple piece of advice. It's true that if you eat certain foods, they will cause you to gain weight. These being the case, if you are indulging in these foods and trying to lose weight at the same time, you will probably see limited results if any at all.
· Avoid the Diet Soda Fallacy- Many women believe that they can replace regular soda with diet soda and still lose weight. New studies have found that drinking diet soda can actually lead to weight gain instead of weight loss! Try drinking green tea instead. Green tea is packed with healthy antioxidants is very beneficial when it comes to losing weight.
· Keep Food Diary-Believe it or not, if you actually keep a log of the foods that you eat on a daily basis, you will actually become more conscious of the types of foods that you eat. Many people simply eat without thinking. This is what leads to bad eating habits and bad food choices.
These are just a few small but highly effective steps that you can take to start taking back control of your weight while going through menopause. Making these types of changes will not only help you to lose weight, but they will also lead to you living a healthier and happier overall life as well.
Using menopause supplements can greatly help you to increase your chances of losing weight. One of the most common supplements available today is Amberen. To discover how you can use Amberen to lose weight and read about many other women who have experienced Amberen weight loss [], simply visit: [].