
Workout Plan For Beginners to Get Ripped

Workout Plan For Beginners to Get Ripped
Are you new to exercising and want to get ripped with bigger muscles or are you trying to lose some pounds? If you are looking for answers to this and are trying to find a Workout Plan For Beginners then you have to do something first. Think About What Are your Ultimate Goals? I am not talking about if you are trying to impress some girl. I am talking about are you trying to build muscle mass, or just get ripped and reduce your body fat? Are you just Trying to get in better shape and more toned? Well Let Me Try To Help.

Building Muscle- If you are looking for a Workout Plan For Beginners to build muscle mass, Think If you want To Have "Cuts" Or Just Get "Bulky".
CUTS- If You are trying to get cuts, you need to exercise with lighter weight and more repetitions. Use a weight that you can lift about 10-15 pounds and do exercises with high sets. For example, say you wanted to do bicep curls. You would take a 20 pound dumbbell (Example Weight Only), curl it about 10-15 pounds each hand and do about 4-5 sets. That is the basic principle for getting cuts. You would do that per body part. You Would do a lot of cardio workouts also to burn off fat.
 Bulk- Now if you are looking for Workout Plan For Beginners to get bulk, then it is kind of the opposite of getting cuts. You would use heavier weights, less reps and less sets. For Example, If you was bench pressing to get a bigger chest, you would use a weight that you can press about 3-5 times, and do less sets, like 2-3.
That is the basic Workout Plan For Beginners to get muscle.