
There’s no Secret to Weight Loss

There’s no Secret to Weight Loss

No matter what the media sells in magazines, television, radio or online, there is no magic bullet, special formula or a secret to weight-loss.  None whatsoever. Period.  It’s all about simple math.  Weight-loss occurs when calorie expenditure is greater than intake.  No matter how many crunches one does or how many laps they run, it will always boil down whether calorie intake was lower than expenditure.  However, not all calories are created equal.  It takes longer to burn off fat than it does carbohydrates.  The right balance of nutrition and fitness must come into play in order to achieve desired fitness goals.We have all heard the rants entitled the secret to weight loss, the miracle diet and all those other generic slogans that are designed to get us to read yet another sales pitch on some miracle diet that will get them pounds gone and gone fast. The key word being fast, we live in a busy time and none of us seem to have the time to follow the fundamental weight loss systems.Let me begin by saying your weight, whether you are obese, a little heavy, carrying that holiday weight or whatever your current situation is not your fault. We are victimized daily by junk food chains or even relatively healthy eateries that offer that extra huge serving just for you! From the day we are old enough to comprehend to the day we die, and we are victimized. This is nothing new; it has been a prevalent part of our society for many, many years. The mass media is used as a tool by anyone who wishes to make a buck. The media is a sales mule, guised under the cloak of information, but a sales tool all the same. Turn on a TV and there it is, eat this, drink this, take this, buy, buy, buy, or more to the point consume, consume, consume. So again your weight is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.